Find out more about the other fees that might be incurred, including the administrative fee for Islamic accounts, as well as rollovers.
PU Prime does not charge any fees for account opening or maintenance.
PU Prime will reimburse the bank charges for the first withdrawal by International Bank Transfer each month. Additional International Bank Transfer withdrawals within the month will incur a bank handling fee of 20 units of the account currency, with JPY & HKD using the equivalent of USD20.
Even though a rollover fee is charged on futures positions at the end of each month, the same amount charged will be credited back to your account balance to maintain a net neutral position. Rollovers can be monthly or quarterly. Affected products include, but are not limited to: CL-OIL, VIX, USDX, HK50ft, DJ30ft, DAX40ft, NAS100ft, SP500ft,UKOUSDft,FTSE100ft, China50ft, FEI, FGBL, FGBM, FGBS, FBGX, FLG and TY
Islamic trading accounts incur an administration fee in lieu of any overnight interest so that the account is Halal. Administration fees are set by our liquidity providers and are variable.
If you are holding an overnight short position on certain dividend-paying shares or index CFDs into the ex-dividend date, you will be charged the dividend component.
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